Address: 4435 N. Delno Ave, Fresno
Despite the daughters being in their 30's, that is where they all end up, even if they briefly move out.
The Vang Clan Hmong women
- Mother: Jue Vang AKA Jue Yang, Age 66 (Born 4/58)
- Daughter: Happy Vang, Age 36 (Born 11/88)
- Daughter: Connie Vang, Age 35 (Born 1/90)
- Daughter: Lisa Vang, Age 33 (Born 7/91)
- Daughter: Mai Vang, (Approximately 30, exact age unknown)
What about Jackie? Jackie is older, had a different father, and is very different from those four. She did have a years long sexual relationship with her stepfather, while he was married to her mother. Jackie liked it, but now it's this big secret and everyone pretends she was abused.
Why the Vang Clan Hmong women need a warning label
I'll start by just giving you some facts:- Jue has been married and divorced three times. She's currently in her 60's and enjoying the single life.
- None of her four daughters have ever been married, nor ever had children (though they've had lots of abortions!)
- Occassionally and briefly they'll say they want a relationship, marriage and/or kids but it's always temporary.
- Jue coached her daughters from a young age not to trust men, not to rely on men, in short: to see men as the enemy.
All four daughters have an identical personality: they are over-the-top nice at first. This is fake. Please trust me, it's fake. They all work hard at it. The real personality, which they may not show you for awhile, is cold, abusive, manipulative, dishonest, and extremely stubborn. They scream first and ask questions later and the only thing they care about in any conflict or argument, is winning.
All four daughters also share an identical relationship pattern: they meet a guy and quickly get into a relationship with him, then break up with him quickly. If they get back together, this process repeats until he eventually walks away. It can last two weeks or 10 years, but it always ends the same. In between all of those breakups she'll be sexually involved with other men near-instantly. It's her tool, her self-defense mechanism, something she needs. Just as strongly as she needs to keep breaking up with the guy over-and-over-and-over. It's an internal struggle between her daddy issues and never being able to be alone, and what mommy taught her about how all men are bad.
If you go in thinking you're going to fix her, you're going to get eaten alive. These stubborn cunts are beyond fixing.
You've been warned.
To Jue,
Disclaimer: this is a parody website, nothing on it is intended to be taken seriously.